Current Electric - Commercial Real Estate Experience

Chuck right away knew that he wanted to be a learning institution for electricians. He knew he wanted to help people be better than themselves. He knew that by doing this he would create happy employees and in turn, happy employees create happy customers. This philosophy is the core of Current Electric and lives in everything we do. It is amazing to think that this thought was there even before the Business coaching world was a common thing for Small Businesses.
Fast forward to today we have a lot of the same philosophy’s that we had then. Current Electric needs to stay at the forefront of technology. We need to have the latest and greatest products and techniques that help out customers. This is why when discussing the next phase of electrical we speak highly about Solar, LED lighting and backup generators.
Everybody asks why a superhero? Chuck first came up with the idea because he truly believes that our team members are superheroes. They leave at the beginning of the day and they leave their families, their wives and all of the problems behind to take care of others. Our superheroes turn problems into dreams. They always treat customers right and with respect. The cape signifies the value of teamwork. Not one person can be a superhero alone, it takes a team of people to take care of customers along every step of the way to provide superior services.
Location: Judson & Associates, S.C.
Location: Judson & Associates, S.C.